by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Feb 18, 2023 | Divorce, Relationships
Someone once said that to move on after a relationship takes half the time you spent together. So, if you were in a one-year relationship, it’s okay if you take six months to wallow and reminisce. Yet, that can be much harder to apply to divorce. The waiting period...
by Guest Writer | Jan 11, 2023 | Divorce, Holidays, Relationships
Rachel S. Ruby, author of Divorce To Bliss Divorce is never easy, and the first holiday experience post-divorce can be challenging for anyone. There are a lot of fears surrounding divorce but one of the most common is the idea of being alone upon leaving a marriage....
by Guest Writer | Apr 13, 2021 | Divorce, Parenting, Relationships, SPosts
Couples who file a divorce fight for property, children, or both. For courts, equitable distribution of property could be challenging, still possible due to many factors such as couples have a list of all assets and liabilities. Therefore, considering the income and...