by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Feb 23, 2021 | Health and Wellness, Stress Relief
One of the biggest reasons people experience stress at bedtime is failure to plan for a restful night’s sleep. Like most things, failure to plan is a plan to fail. It seems simple enough, get in bed, turn off the lights, close our eyes, and fall asleep. If only it...
by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Oct 11, 2020 | Get Organized, Lifestyle, Self Care, Stress Relief, WOW magazine
Decluttering your life and becoming organized starts with one important but easily-overlooked step. You need to declutter your mind. If your home and office are cluttered and disorganized, chances are your mind is too. Mental clutter is restless, moving from brooding...
by Conchetta Jones, Lifestyle Editor | Apr 14, 2020 | Health and Wellness, Stress Relief
When my job announced that our offices would be closed for two weeks, my first thought was alright now! I was excited about the opportunity to work from home. The idea of no commute and working in my pajamas really appealed to me. As we are ending week two, while I am...
by Conchetta Jones, Lifestyle Editor | Mar 7, 2020 | Lifestyle, Stress Relief
Have you ever had one of those weeks when you just want to scream? When it seems like everything is closing in? When you have so many things on your “to do” list you don’t know what to do. There are too many things that are a priority. Your phone is...
by Guest Writer | Jan 20, 2020 | Motivation, Stress Relief
If you’re feeling a bit blue, you might be surprised to hear there are many ways to lift your mood in less than a minute. Skeptical? Try these and see! Put some drops of lavender and orange essential oils in a diffuser. These oils have been shown to help with anxiety...