Essential Items to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag

by Wendy VanHatten

Some of us are traveling again and some are getting ready to travel. Since it may have been a little while since you packed for a trip, check out these essential items you might want to take along.

When traveling, there are essential items to pack in your carry-on bag. They might differ for individuals, but these are some favorites.

Essential Items to Pack

A toothbrush is an absolute essential item for me. This is especially important if I am flying, but also is essential if I am on a driving trip. I want a toothbrush handy in my carry-on bag.

Medications are another essential item to have handy. If you are flying, TSA highly recommends not putting any medications in checked luggage.

Portable charges are not only handy, but essential. You have no idea if the airport has outlets or if they are all in used. Keeping your phone charged is handy if you need to contact the airline about a change of flight.

Some extra clothes are always essential items. Of course, this depends on how long your trip or flight is, but who doesn’t like some fresh clothes to wear?

I take a reusable water bottle. This could be as simple as buying a bottle of water once you are through security or bringing your own from home. Empty of course.

Extra face masks are definitely essential items to pack. Since you want to change your regularly be sure to pack plenty in your carry-on bag.

Speaking of masks, if you need to block out light so you can get some rest, then sleep masks might be essential items for you.

Since I do not like being cold, essential items for me include shawls. They do not take up much room in my carry-on bag. You may want to include a lightweight blanket instead.

Some essential items to pack for some people include a good set of headphones to block out noise. This is important on long flights to get some rest or to watch your favorite movie.

Small bottles of hand sanitizer, hand wipes, and lotions are all essential items in my carry-on bag. I can clean my hands, the tray table when flying, and the door handle when driving.

Why Pack These Items?

Face it, flight delays seem to be getting more frequent. Cancellations can happen to just about any flight. Plan on being without your checked luggage and carry the essential items with you.

If you are driving, your luggage may be out of reach or in the back of the trunk. If you have these essential items in a bag closer to you, your trip can be more enjoyable.







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