Get Featured!

Women of Wisdom is delighted to feature Women who are making a difference in business and in life.  

"get featured Woman of Wisdom"

We are looking for women over 40 to feature on our website. Please note that due to the number of submissions we receive, most interviews are posted within 3-6 months of receipt. If that is of interest, read on…

When submitting an interview for consideration, you must include the following subject line: Interview Submission for Women of Wisdom

Please also include the following:

NAME _______________ TITLE _____________________COMPANY/Organization NAME _______________________ (if applicable)

WEBSITE URL _________________________

Links to Social Media ________________________

Locale ___________________  (City/Town/State/Country)

PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE ALL SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS IN YOUR RESPONSES.  Women of Wisdom follows and posts the interview of each woman we feature to our social media channels (total reach 100K+).

A One Paragraph bio of the person being featured (up to 250 words) – this will be used as an introduction/lead in, to the interview.

Here are a few of our standard questions – feel free to use and add your own as they relate to your story. 

Note: Interview must include a minimum of 8 thought-provoking questions to be considered for inclusion In our magazine.

  • What/who inspires you?
  • What’s been the most surprising thing that has happened on your journey to Wisdom?
  • What’s your typical day like now? How is it different from your daily routines in the past?
  • What do you enjoy most about what you do?
  • What advice would you give a woman over 40?
  • What, if anything, would you have done differently in your life?
  • What things are most important to you now? Why? How have your dreams and goals changed through your life?
  • Tell us about any community projects you are involved in and why you support them?
  • If you had the power to solve one and only one problem in the world, what would it be and why?
  • What advice would you give your younger self?
  • What do you do for fun/relaxation?
  • What’s next for you (or what’s left on your “bucket list”)
  • What’s your ‘secret’ indulgence?
  • What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?
  • Is there a question you would like to answer that has not been asked? And what is your answer?

If your interview is business focused, feel free to answer the following questions:

  • How did you get your idea or concept for the business?
  • When and why did you start your business?
  • To what do you attribute your success?
  • What is unique about your business?
  • What made you choose this type of business/career?
  • What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?
  • What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?
  • What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
  • What’s been the best advice you received as a business owner?
  • What is one business idea that you’re willing to share with our readers?

Please also include a photo of the featured subject. Must be sent as an attachment (jpeg or png) and include any attributions we would be required to add.

Thank you for your interest in being featured. At this time we do not require payment for features. However, we reserve the right to reject any interview we feel does not fit our criteria.

When you share your interview on social media, please use the Hashtag #featuredinWOW to help us follow you and re-share your posts!


WE DO OFFER A PRIORITY PUBLISHING OPTION IF YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR INTERVIEW PUBLISHED IN 2 WEEKS OR LESS. THE FEE FOR THAT OPTION IS $25. AND INCLUDES BEING FEATURED (FREE) ON YOUR CHOICE OF MYPINKPAGES.COM or Her Business Listings Online Directory. When submitting your interview responses, be sure to include which of the two above you prefer to be listed and we will send you a link to that option.



When submitting your interview, be sure to include WOW Priority Publishing in the subject line.

“Thanks so much for featuring our client’s content on Women of Wisdom Magazine. I appreciate the attention to detail and the way you made suggestions to improvethe submission. That and the fact the article was posted so quickly is much appreciated. We are delighted to have found your site and hope to have a long, productive working relationship with Women of Wisdom Magazine.” Susan Barnett, APR

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