Love is a beautiful thing, especially when both parties can be vulnerable and choose to stay together during good and bad times. The movies and media, in general, have made it seem like women are always on the receiving end of all the affection. This is not the case in real life, as men have feelings too, and they deserve to feel loved and appreciated. Yes, you ought to also make your man feel special, and here are a few ways to melt his heart:
Appreciate his efforts
Society expects that men are the primary breadwinners of the family, meaning your man already has a lot of pressure on his end. Even when he loves what he does, there are bound to be bad days at work. Instead of nagging him about what he doesn’t do, appreciate your man and tell him you are grateful for all his efforts. Let him know you understand how hard it can get, and you admire his commitment.
Give him space
You cannot expect your man to spend every waking moment with you. A slight separation is healthy as it gives your man time to be himself, indulges in his hobbies, exercise, or spend time with the boys. Alone time also gives you things to talk about when he gets back and helps you build intimacy in the relationship.
Catch his eye
Many people tend to undermine the power of eye contact. The next time your man is around, look him in the eyes and hold his gaze for a few seconds. Follow up with a playful expression, a wink, or a smile, and then you can look away. Flirt with your man using your eyes and make him feel like he is the only person in the room, and we guarantee it will make him feel special.
Compliment him often
When was the last time you told your man he smells good or looks good in his new jeans? Contrary to popular belief, men are not always secure in their looks and enjoy being complimented from time to time. Give him compliments as soon as they occur to you and watch his face light up.
Make time for bedroom affairs
Cultivate a desire for one another if you want to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Your man will feel special if you consider him your sex deity and reciprocate the same energy. Spice things up by getting a babysitter for the kids and booking a hotel room to get your groove on. Surprise him with some lingerie and let the fireworks fly.
Surprise him with gifts
You do not have to wait for a special occasion to get your man a gift. Whenever you buy something for yourself or the kids, ensure you pick something for him too. You could be going for groceries and deciding to grab a quick coffee for yourself.
Ensure you order one for your man too, and this gesture will make him feel special. If he loves being stylish, you could surprise him with a couple of mens urban graphic tees to spruce up his wardrobe. It will make him feel special and loved!
Trust your man
Trust your man by opening up about your fears, secrets, and ambitions. Being vulnerable around your man and sharing essential details without hesitation will make him feel special and loved. Do not rummage through his personal belongings or take every chance you get to look through his phone.
Be supportive
Men feel special when they know they have a partner who is also a great support system. Find out his passions and ambitions and ask him how you can help him achieve his goals. You might not have the finances to help him chase his dreams, but actively listening to him and chipping in some nuggets of wisdom will make him feel loved and special.
Please pay attention to him
It is not a pleasant experience when you are trying to talk to someone who is fixated on their phone. Listen to your man when speaking and pay attention to his words the same way you would like him to listen to you. By paying attention to him, you make him feel special and that you genuinely care about his thoughts and problems. If you have to pick up your phone, make sure it is for a justifiable reason.
Ask for his opinion
One way to make your man feel special is asking him for his opinion, even though you are capable of choosing on your own. By allowing him to give his idea, you show him that you respect him and value his input in everything you do. He will feel special knowing that you trust him enough to make a decision based on his judgment.
Be affectionate
Hug your man a little bit longer and tighter to show him that you care deeply about him. Cuddle with him while watching a movie, kiss him, and hold his hand in public. When engaging in a conversation, you could also touch his arm playfully, making him feel special.
Never force your man to change
Dictating how your man dresses or asking him to change certain aspects of his life will make him feel like you do not accept him as he is. Inspire him to want to change by being a role model rather than asking him to be an entirely different person. Take time to understand your man and why he does the things he does.
Show him you are jealous!
Your man will also feel special when he knows that you want him all to yourself. However, do not be unreasonably jealous when he has friends of the opposite gender. Overdoing your jealousy will only make him drift away from you.
Wrapping up
Every man is different, so it is up to you to know your man’s love language. Find out what he loves most and be genuine in your words and actions. Pay attention to small details like how he says he loves his coffee or his favourite dish at a particular restaurant, and this will make him feel like you genuinely care.
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