Early in my new book, First Date Stories: Women’s Romantic and Ridiculous Midlife Adventures, I wrote that “Dating for decades isn’t something that people usually tout. But why not? Isn’t it better to wait to meet the right partner than to divorce the wrong one?”
Kirkus Review found that “Such sound logic is a recurring feature of this work, which consists of several tales—some harsh, some infuriating, almost all funny.” This premier literary reviewer went on to profess that “Readers will likely come to this book for the intriguing stories, but they’ll stay for the supportive common sense that the author dispenses, and they’ll appreciate her compassionate tone throughout. A sensible, readable, and, above all, forgiving overview of modern dating.”
Reader’s Favorite gave the book a 5-star review and concluded its assessment by stating that they “absolutely loved this book and wholly appreciate the contributions that Jodi Klein weaves into a fantastic anthology.”
What is your book about?
The book is a collection of true hopeful, hilarious, and horrific dating tales, combined with dating takeaway tips and inspirational quotes by renown women. It’s intended to engender laughs, camaraderie and guidance for women in midlife who are riding the dating rollercoaster or considering a comeback.
What do you hope other people will take away from reading your book?
My big vision with this book is that it helps women who are dating in midlife believe that they can find love, no matter how unlikely it may seem at times. To do that, they must keep going on first dates. Dating is a numbers game. The more people you meet, the greater chance you have to encounter your “Mr. Yes” or “Ms. Yes.” Also, you’re much more likely to fall in love after you’ve accepted and embraced who you are and come to a place of true love for yourself.
Not all the stories in the collection conclude with “happily ever after” endings, but each woman kept going on first dates because she knew that she was worthy of receiving love and that there was someone worthy of consuming the gift of her love. It is my hope that their stories will inspire readers to believe and keep showing up, until the day arrives when they go on a date with their future lifelong partner.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
I would tell my younger self to develop a regular writing practice shortly after graduating from college. Exercising to develop one’s “creative muscles” is akin to exercising to develop physical strength. Routinely dedicating time to translate one’s thoughts and ideas into prose will make the practice of writing easier and likely improve the quality of what’s authored.
What was the biggest challenge in writing your book?
The book is a collection of eleven true first date tales. Writing this anthology required that I craft twenty-two different characters! That was challenging. Even though I have met more than half of the people who are portrayed in book, it was tricky developing nearly two dozen characters so that each has a unique voice and point of view.
How can our readers get a copy of your book?
WE Magazine readers can get a copy of the book at Bookshop.org, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at their local independent bookstore. If they’d like a signed copy, they can purchase it from Books Inc.
What is the best way for our readers to connect with you? (website url, social media links – we do not publish emails)
There are multiple ways for us to connect. They can contact me via my website, FirstDateStories.com, where they will also find my podcast and blog, which are both called First Date Stories. We’re into the fourth season of the podcast. Each episode either features a women between her late-30s and early-60s divulging the details of a memorable debut date, or a relationship expert sharing dating and self-care guidance.
Readers can also connect with me thru social media. I’m on Goodreads, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.