by Guest Writer | Dec 14, 2021 | Careers and Work, Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Self Care
NEW YEAR NEW YOU: 7 STEPS TO RE-INVENT YOURSELF IN THE NEW YEAR As 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in September and another 4.2 million quit in October, Dr. Ellen Albertson, The Midlife Whisperer™ offers tips from her new book ROCK YOUR MIDLIFE: 7 Steps...
by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Apr 9, 2021 | Confidence, From the Editor, Lifestyle
If you are retired, or even just past the first flush of your career, you might think you’ve missed the boat on finding purpose in your life. The truth is you’re probably in a better position than ever really to work out what matters, and what you want out of life....
by Guest Writer | Mar 7, 2020 | Lifestyle, Self Care
by Christine Laureano There comes a time in life when the same old way of doing things just doesn’t suffice. Its’ like the saying about, well, getting off the pot! Reinvention doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, choice, many sleepless nights and conversations...
by Guest Writer | Feb 16, 2020 | Death and Loss, Love, Relationships, Words of Wisdom
I am a middle-aged woman about to mark the one year anniversary of my mom’s death on September 16th. I have spent the past 12 months on auto-pilot. Along the way several things have kept me afloat: my husband, family, friends and oh yes a recent book called “A...