by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Oct 8, 2023 | Aging Gracefully, Health and Beauty
Fall is a transitional season that can bring changes in weather and environmental conditions, which can impact your skin. Caring for your skin in the fall is important because this transitional season brings changes in weather, humidity levels, and environmental...
by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Jan 23, 2023 | Aging Gracefully, Health and Beauty
LaJeanell’s founder, Shirley Powell, brings more than 40 years of business experience. She represented two high end luxury cosmetics companies. As an entrepreneur and model, she found herself searching for quality makeup that was health conscious. As a result, she...
by Kris Keppeler, Health Editor | Dec 29, 2022 | Aging Gracefully, Health and Beauty, Health and Wellness
You swore you’d never get those ugly liver spots. Like the ones, your mom had on her face and arms. You took care of your skin, slathering on moisturizer every day and evening. But here you are, staring at an ugly liver spot on your cheek. How could this happen?...
by Heidi Richards Mooney, Editor in Chief | Jun 3, 2022 | Health and Beauty
Celebrity Esthetician Elina Fedotova, founder of Elina Organics & Spas (located in Michigan and Florida). discusses sunscreen and what sunscreen really means versus “sunblock” along with tips to protect your skin. As people are enjoying their beach vacation they...